Peloton Year One

[ spin , workout , peloton ]


Bike purchased on 2/10/2019. $106/mo all in. initial purchase financed + monthly subscription. 12 months = $1272.

Peloton Usage


Fitness Discipline Neela Tom Grand Total
Cycling 124 69 193
Meditation 9 4 13
Strength 6 6
Stretching 21 21
Grand Total 160 73 233

Workout Minutes

Fitness Discipline Neela Tom Grand Total
Cycling 4555 3013 7568
Meditation 75 25 100
Strength 70 70
Stretching 125 125
Grand Total 4825 3038 7863

Cost per Workout Minute

Cycling Only

$1,272 / 7,568 minutes = $0.1681

All Workout Types

$1,272 / 7,863 minutes = $0.1618


One example of an in-person, HIIT gym membership in Santa Monica, CA.

$149 / person / 8 classes per month. 60 minutes per class. No rollover month to month.

$149 / (8 * 60) = $0.3104

Updated At: 2024-04-13 15:23 +0000 (b59f114)

🛠 by Tom Hummel